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Training for Professionals

Child sexual abuse causes systemic and complex trauma. It is challenging for all involved, including professionals.

We have been supporting families impacted by child sexual abuse for the last 30 years. Our training has been designed from a deep knowledge and understanding of family’s experiences in the system.

Support for professionals

The We Stand professional training program is designed to increase your capacity and capability to engage with families impacted by child sexual abuse.

We understand that engaging with families impacted by child sexual abuse can be traumatic for you as professionals. We want to support you in your work, providing a safe space to learn more about the impact on the victim and their families, how to work more effectively with non-abusing parents and carers, and how to manage your own response to these difficult situations.

Available Programs

Lunch Time Talks:

A series of lunch time talks for professionals working with families impacted by Child Sexual Abuse

Social Workers Reflective Practice Group

Dealing with complex cases of child sexual abuse can be daunting, confusing and challenging for both new and qualified social workers. We will facilitate a reflective practice group which provides a safe space to reflect on your own practice of working with families and gain insight and support from your peers.

One Day Training: Working with Families Impacted by Chid Sexual Abuse

This one day training will support you to better understand Child Sexual Abuse and the impact on the whole family and equip you to work together with non-abusing parents and carers to support the child victims.

Bespoke Training

We are able to provide bespoke training for your teams. We have previously provided training to local authorities, organisations and schools.

If you would like to discuss any of the above training, please contact Susan Moore on:

Through our range of life-changing services – from counselling and emotional support through to legal advice, training and workshops – We Stand with you at every step.

We Stand for families. We Stand with you.

We hear you,
we’re here for you