Helpline: 0800 980 1958

Legal services, advice & support

Our legal services, advice and support service helps non-abusing parents and carers who have specific questions and require ongoing support.

We provide specialist advice and support UK-wide around topics such as schooling, housing, benefits, criminal and civil court cases and child protection procedures. In addition, we offer access to qualified legal advice for families living in England and Wales.

Specialist advice and support

Parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused often have to navigate a complex system involving multiple organisations. We know how overwhelming this can feel, especially if you feel you are not being heard or understood.

Our advice and support service aims to help you understand this complex system, and support you throughout the process. We can advise you on your options, help you to work effectively with other professionals, and write letters and supporting documentation on your behalf for agencies such as schools, housing and social services.

Legal advice

We recognise that many people struggle to access legal support when going through the family court, and that many lawyers lack specialist knowledge about child sexual abuse.

Our legal services manager can offer qualified family law advice for people living in England and Wales. Whilst we cannot represent you in court, we can support you to act for yourself in court, or explain court processes for you if you already have someone to represent you. We can help you to prepare documents and ensure that you understand your rights and what may happen throughout the process.

Scotland has a different legal system but the service is still able to offer non-qualified advice and guidance.

To access our legal services, advice and support service please call our free national helpline on 0800 980 1958

Through our range of life-changing services – from counselling and emotional support through to legal advice, training and workshops – We Stand with you at every step.

We Stand for families. We Stand with you.

We hear you,
we’re here for you